22 October 2012

Cambodia Thumped in UN Security Council Bid

Cartoon by Sacrava

Occasionally that mostly morally bankrupt organisation that is the UN turns in a good result.

Thankfully Cambodia was thoroughly trounced by South Korea in its bid to become a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council, recently. 

Thus Cambodian politicians  with their woeful human rights records were thwarted in their attempts to shamelessly bask in international diplomacy glory while land grabs, a corrupt judiciary and the suppression of the press continued unabated.

It's unlikely that many UN members considered Cambodia's human rights record and voted on principle (after all Rwanda has won a non-permanent seat), rather more likely is that South Korea was simply better at the horse-trading game that is such a disgusting part of the UN.

Still it's a decent smack in the eye and an embarrassment for the Cambodian government who appeared cocky and sure of victory right up until the final round of voting. 

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