What happens when two young Cambodians move into a Western household?
Two young Cambodians have recently moved into our house. Culture shock, confusion and an element of chaos reign on both sides.We'll be blogging about the experience as time, motivation and events allow.
But first the list of Characters:

Socheata* was the first of the two young Cambodians to move in. She is twenty years old and we have known her for about 8 years.
She is a resilient young woman who, when we first met her, was vibrant and energetic. Over her teenage years she seemed to lose her spark and appeared withdrawn.
Socheata studies English five nights a week at a Phnom Penh university and has a one year work-experience contract at an NGO. She is paid a small salary for her work which finishes at the end of December.
She has adjusted quite quickly to the routine of the house although her eagerness to please can rapidly move into a nervousness if she thinks she may have done something wrong.
Socheata does not have a relationship that allows her to live with a family member and her demanding, last living arrangements ended unpleasantly.**
Socheata likes to cook (although "not too much," she says) and studying English. It is this last interest that provides much frustration for the two westerners of the household as the homework she brings back is riddled with the mistakes of her Cambodian teacher. Her English is, I guess, at an elementary level.
We provide lodgings and food for Socheata, and study and living costs when her job comes to an end.
Sarey* is the sister of a young Cambodian women who we have known for years. We were first told that she was 15. However when she turned up on our doorstep she looked 9, and we later established that she was just 13.
Sarey knows of nothing but country life and so the movement to Phnom Penh to live with a couple of foreigners is a big transformation, indeed.
She is most reluctant to try new things and new food and possesses a stubborn streak which provides a constant challenge. Behind a look which borders on fierce when she is either bewildered or things are not going as she would like, there is a shyness but, like Socheata, a resilience often not found in Children of the west.
Sarey is a quick learner and a strong student and especially happy in her new, Phnom Penh school. Already, she realizes she is getting a better education that she would in the countryside. She loves cooking and talking on the phone and is developing an interest in reading. She has poorly-developed English speaking skills (although this should quickly change) and overall her English is at a low-elementary level.
Sarey's family are unable to provide proper support for her and thus we are paying for her living and education costs.
Sparks may fly...
...unless the newly acquired pursuit of yoga does its thing...
Philip is also an English teacher who sometimes lacks patience. (apparently) He likes reading, cooking and watching football.
The occasional nip of whiskey and a glass of wine, and the hogging of the TV when the football is on is keeping him on an even keel. Just.
Vanna is a cat. Obviously.
Born in Thailand, Vanna, now six, was brought to Cambodia by plane when he was about two years old.
He likes hunting, sleeping, eating chicken and pork, and playing with yellow highlighter pens.
So far he's casting a wary eye over proceedings but remains mostly calm and maintains his in-out-in-out-in-out-in of the house routine during the night.
* Socheata and Sarey are not their real names which will be kept private for confidentiality reasons. Socheata means 'Well born, well grown. 'Sary means the 'state of being free.'
** Socheata's and Sarey's backgrounds will largely remain hidden.
Y educate the Khmer Niggers ?
This is nation wherein 80% of the Khmer niggers failed in class 12 after 12 years of education !
And then in the 2nd try again 75% failed and only 1 Khmer Nigger got a C Grade !
Which is Y the Khmer Niggers are fit to do rat farming and monkey exports