21 October 2012

Cambodia Mourns

Outside Ministry of Environment, Phnom Penh

Crowds of mourners continue to flock to Phnom Penh's Royal Palace to pay respects to Cambodia's Father-King, Norodom Sihanouk.


And a white shirt with black mourning ribbon continues to be the attire of choice for hundreds-of- thousands of bereft Khmer.
Royal University of Phnom Penh

Appearing outside shops, schools-public and private, government departments and private homes and in the parks of Phnom Penh, too, are banners and photos honouring the recently deceased Father-King.

Outside Shop, Phsar Deum Thkov, Phnom Penh

Hotel Cambodiana

 Cambodian Royal Flags flutter next
to the Cambodian National flag 
Foreign dignitaries are flocking to the capital

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