26 October 2009

Soi Dogs

More than 120,000 strays dogs roam the sois (streets) of Bangkok. Actually roam overstates the case. Most of these dogs pick a spot where they can be assured of a few food scraps and lay there all day; Thailand is just too hot for rambling. For the same reason it's rare that they attack people- although having once been chased by a pack of temple dogs I still  keep a watchful eye.

In the early 1990's authorities euthanized 200 dogs a day in an attempt to tackle the problem. The local SPCA took issue with the killings and easily won the public over by asserting that such a method clearly goes against the teachings of Buddha. The city relented but passed a largely ignored regulation banning the feeding of strays in a public place.

And so there they sit, on the streets, in the temples and outside shops and food-carts, often in poor health but mostly tolerated by the Thai. And as Bangkok's people or administration haven't the money to neuter or shelter the animals the dogs look like they are here to say.

1 comment:

  1. Beats me why a post on dogs is on my blog!

    Dogs stink, end of story.
