18 December 2011

Confutative Cambodian Statistics (1)

A recently released report has found that incidents of violence against Cambodian women has dropped by 16% over the last 5 years. The same report found that there was a 24% decrease in the number of Cambodian families who had experience violence within their domestic unit.

Bollocks! If such decreases were real there would be all sorts of international agencies and sundry officials from all over the world coming to see this how this great Cambodian miracle was coming about. And the report directly contradicts many NGO claims that violence against women has been steadily increasing.

Still the Cambodian government happily trumpets the 'good news.'
"Remarkable progress has been made in reducing rates of domestic violence in Cambodia," claimed Minister of Women's Affairs, Kantha Phavi...

Even the minister had to acknowledge the dodgy nature of the statistics, however.
"Especially when it comes to rape, our data collection systems still require advancement," she said.

Still require advancement? Now there's an understatement.

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