21 October 2009

How Free is Your Press?

Reporters Without Borders/Reporters Sans Frontières (RSF) has just released their Press Freedom Index for 2009.

The index measures the state of press freedom in the world. Bluntly, it shows the level of physical attacks, illegal detainments, torture, surveillance, and harassment that a country’s journalists are subjected to. The index also takes into account the issues of censorship, state-media monopolies, access to information, and any political and financial pressures applied to media organizations.

A score of 0 indicates complete Press Freedom; the higher the score the less journalists and the media are free.

Demark, Sweden, Norway, Finland and Ireland head the list of 175 countries; all have absolute freedom of the press with a score of 0.

New Zealand sits in 13th place with a score of 3; that's a solid ranking but in what way is the media not free and why does no one seem to care?

The UK and the U.S.A sit in joint 20th place with a disappointing score of 4.

Worryingly some of the countries of Western Europe are losing their freedom; France is in 43rd spot, and scores a 10; Spain comes in with an 11 to take 44th spot; and Italy is 49th with a score of 12.

Southeast Asian countries score abysmally. Indonesia offers the one bright spot as it leapt 11 places from last year to 100th and a score of 28, reflecting it’s recent efforts to establish a true democracy. Cambodia follows in 117th place with a mark of 35; the Philippines scores a 38 and places 122nd and Thailand’s press freedom continues to flounder as it drops to 130th with a score of 44. Malaysia improves slightly- it needs to- as its score secures 131st place, while the Singaporeans- 133rd with a dismal score of 45- seemingly have accepted a high-standard of living for freedom trade-off.

The Vietnamese shame themselves in 166th spot with a score of 81, although they will probably point out that that beats China who score a highly repressive 84 and take a ranking of 168. Reclusive Laos, unsurprisingly, comes in way down the list- 169th with a score of 92, but that still beats Burma, whose barbaric generals ensure a scandalous score of 102 and a ranking of 171.

Freedom- defend it, or lose it.

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